Here Now With You, I Have Heaven in Me. Everything Changes, I Will Never Be Without You…

For He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not [I will] not [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax my hold on you)! [Assuredly not!] Hebrews 13:5 AMP

There is something so beautiful to me about knowing that I’m never alone. That I will never- no matter where I go or what I do- be without Jesus. His presence is as near as breath every moment of every day. The beauty that He is constantly surrounding me.  

I’ve found that His presence is the peace and rest and grace I need to succeed in my journey. He Himself is everything I need. People spend so long looking for this or that to fulfill and satisfy the needs in their lives, when all they need to realize is that all of that is right there in front of them. It’s all wrapped up in a person, and His name is Jesus. I’ve found that all I have to do is by faith reach out and take it, and He gladly with a smile on His face, gives me more then I can even hold I my two hands. 

Realize that all the striving you’re doing-the aching and hurting and straining- is all unnecessary. His yoke is easy, His burden is light, and He’s promised to trade us for our hard, heavy burdens. His heart is for us to come to Him, to lay at His feet all that encumbers and enslaves us, to accept all that He is, and to rest in His arms and allow Him to repair every broken part and fill every empty space like only He can do. 

His love… You can try to describe it with a thousand words or a thousand pictures, but once you become lost in it, words no longer matter. Just Him. Just His love. Let it invade you. Let it overwhelm you. And you’ll realize that words will never be enough. 

Jesus, You’re All to Me, Worth More Than Anything. No Treasure in This World Compares to You…

No matter where I’ve looked, No matter wheat I’ve seen, I’ve never found anything sufficient to His presence. And I know that I could search for all eternity long and still draw the same conclusion. His beauty is unmatched. His gentleness never before experienced. His love so unique and so special. His intimacy so personal. Every day He amazes me. I’ve learned to simply sit back, relax, and watch Him do the unexpected. He satisfies every facet of my needs, spiritual, emotional, and physical. I find myself enamored…infatuated… His love always seems to find a way to penetrate my circumstance and gently remind me that He’s there to make me forget everything else. And that’s exactly what He does, every. Single. Time. A single moment with Him irradicated every fear, every worry, every insecurity, and replaces it with a deeper revelation of how loved I am. Time in His presence leaves me breathless…

Even in this moment where we sit band in hand amidst another vanquished distraction, I can hear Him calling me deeper, the softness and sweetness of His voice compelling me. I can’t get enough. Satisfied yet so hungry for more. That’s me- so satisfied I want more. But that’s the beauty of it, I think. No matter how satisfied I am, I’m still hungry, and no matter how hungry I am, He always satisfies. 

It’s Not the Destination That Defines Us, It’s the Journey

The steps of a [good] man are directed and established by the Lord when He delights in his way [and He busies Himself with his every step].Psalm‬ ‭37:23‬ ‭AMP‬‬
A journey is a beautiful thing. It begins with a single step, and soon, you’re miles from where you started. You’ve met new people, been new places,  and experienced new things. You’re not the same person at your destination that you were when you took your first step out your front door. Your journey can be good or bad-your choice really. When you encountered a rough patch, what was your reaction? Trying to do it on your own did you struggle and strain and cry out to God asking Him why you have to cross this desert or climb this mountain? Did you allow someone or something to distract your from you path and take you on a detour that ended in disaster? Or did you allow God to order your footsteps? You see, God, so rich in His boundless mercy, gives each of us Himself as a companion on our journey, and brings grace along to acompany our travels. It pushes us up those mountains, provides an oasis is the deserts, and is a friend and comfort in the luscious and fruitful plains.

My journey hasn’t necessarily been the smoothest, and though I may only be 19, I’ve had more rough spots then I care to count. But I found a treasure along the way. What is this treasure? His name is Jesus, and He is what has defined my journey. Looking back on the path behind me, I see the rough times laying in ruins, still smoldering from the flames that brought their destruction. I see my enemy defeated, scratching his head trying to dream up another obstacle that will trip me up. I see two sets of footprints, one belonging to myself, and the other to my faithful companion- my Daddy God, Who now stands beside me in victory. In this moment we sit together and laugh without fear of the future, and excitedly discuss the next leg of our adventure.

As I carry on in my journey, I strive to stay tucked under my Daddy’s arm, and live under the shadow of the Almighty, whose power no foe can withstand, myself inaccessible in the Secret Place of the Most High.